Books & Meetings, Past & Present & Future

Meetings will generally be at 2 p.m. Eastern Time on the first or second Sunday of the each month.
Click on the book titles below to open pages devoted to these books,
including supplementary information & links we have collected.

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Our Back(ground) Pages for the books on our reading list:


July 7:            Larry Starr, Listening to Bob Dylan: Experiencing and Re-Experiencing Dylan’s Music (Christopher Vanni will host our discussion).
June 9:           Bob Dylan’s Malibu (EDLIS Café) (Author Martin Newman, Editor Nancy Cobb, and EDLIS members Craig Jamieson and Walter Zuk attended!)
May 5:           Mary Lee Kortes, Dreaming of Dylan: 115 Dreams About Bob. (Mary Lee attended!)
April 7:          Raphael Falco, No One To Meet: Imitation and Originality in the Songs of Bob Dylan. (Professor Falco attended!)
March 3:       Graley Herren, the liner notes for Joan Baez In Concert, Part 2, & other 1960s free verse poems of Bob Dylan (Mr. Dylan was invited to attend!)
February 4:    Erin Callahan & Court Carney, The Politics and Power of Bob Dylan’s Live Performances: Play a Song for Me (Erin & Court attended!)
January 14:    Bob Dylan’s Hibbing (EDLIS Café) (two of the authors attended, Craig Jamieson & Walter Zuk!)


December 3:      Bob Dylan, On a Couch & Fifty Cents a Day, by Peter K. McKenzie (the author attended!)
November 12:   Dreams and Dialogues in Dylan’s “Time Out of Mind” by Graley Herren (the author attended!)
October 15:      Dylan Goes Electric: Newport, Seeger, Dylan, and the Night that Split the Sixties by Elijah Wald
September 17:  Pledging My Time: Conversations with Bob Dylan Band Members,  by Ray Padgett (the author attended!)
August 6:        A Freewheelin’ Time: A Memoir of Greenwich Village in the Sixties, by Suze Rotolo