Barker, Derek. The Songs He Didn’t Write: Bob Dylan Under the Influence. (2008)
Berger, Glenn. Never Say No To a Rock Star: In the Studio with Dylan, Sinatra, Jagger and More. (2016)
Bream, Jon. Dylan: Disc by Disc. (2015)
Brooks, Harvey, Frank Beacham, and Bonnie Brooks. View From the Bottom: 50 Years of Playing with Bob Dylan, The Doors, Miles Davis, and Everybody Else. (2022)
Cable, Paul. Bob Dylan, His Unreleased Recordings. (1980)
Gill, Andy, and Kevin Odegard. A Simple Twist of Fate: the Making of Blood on the Tracks. (2005)
Irwin, Colin. Bob Dylan: Highway 61 Revisited. (2007)
Krogsgaard, Michael. Positively Bob Dylan: A Thirty-Year Discography, Concert & Recording Session Guide, 1960-1991.
Lewis, John. Whirly Gig: Inside the Time Out of Mind Sessions.
Padgett, Ray. Pledging My Time: Conversations with Dylan Band Members (2023)
Rings, Steven. Sounding Bob Dylan: Music in the Imperfect Tense (forth coming).
Sanders, Daryl. That Thin, Wild Mercury Sound: Dylan, Nashville, and the Making of Blonde on Blonde. (2018)
Starr, Larry. Listening to Bob Dylan. (2021). [One of the few to focus on the music itself!]