It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Reading): A Bob Dylan Book Club reaches its first year anniversary!

We started August, 6th, 2023, with Suze Rotolo’s book A Freewheelin’ Time, followed by the diverse array of books that you can find previewed under our Books and Meetings Tab, along with links to background information and to the web of ideas about Bob Dylan. We meet next on July 7th—our 12th month and 12th book—to discuss Larry Starr’s Listening to Bob Dylan. This book is about the music of Mr. Dylan, not just the lyrics, and this brings up, also, the Nobel Prize and Dylan’s acceptance speeches (Banquet Speech, Official Nobel Lecture) making the point that music and performance are a key to what he does. Join us on the home page—It’s Free! That’s how you’ll get invitations to meetings and be able to participate in the discussion (even to nominate a book and/or lead a discussion session). If you have unread books about Dylan on your bookshelves or have seen notices for new books with alluring titles, the Book Club is a way of getting you into those pages. Thanks to all our members and all our authors: Larry Starr, Martin Newman+, Mary Lee Kortes+, Ralphael Falco+, Graley Herren+ (twice!), Erin Callahan+, Court Carney+, Craig Jamieson+, Walter Zuk+, Peter McKenzie+, Elijah Wald, Ray Padgett+, and, in memoriam, Suze Rotolo. (+Authors who attended our meetings.)


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