A flood of computer generated (?) books!

Recently, some suspicious titles of books on Bob Dylan appeared on amazon.com (I visit that site to look for new releases for our book list from time to time). These suspicious titles appeared “off”—odd titles, odd cover art (pictures of Bob-look-alikes, but clearly not Bob), often with no author listed, often available only on kindle, with sample pages that looked like a simple word file, always very short (50-150 pages). I thought: AI! One of the dangers of AI now seems to be, in addition to misinformation, a flood of books, that are exploitive—that carry no new insights, analysis, or information! Some examples I found are linked HERE. Today, I found a link that addresses this on the website comewritersandcritics.com (it turns out that some are rewrites of Wikipedia or encyclopedia articles!):
Bob Dylan Wikipedia print outs (bobdylan-comewritersandcritics.com)
On January 14th, I ran across this article: CLICK HERE.
The article’s last paragraph:
As fun as it is to call out these obvious mishaps for AI-generated content mills, a flood of harder-to-detect AI content is threatening to overwhelm everyone from art communities to sci-fi magazines to Amazon's ebook marketplace. Pretty much any platform that accepts user submissions that involve text or visual art now has to worry about being flooded with wave after wave of AI-generated work trying to crowd out the human community they were created for. It's a problem that's likely to get worse before it gets better.”


Michael Gray Interview


A Great Converstaion on The Politics and Power of Bob Dylan’s Live Performances by Erin Callahan and Court Carney